Paling tidak dalam beberapa waktu ini Lady Gaga tidak akan tertangkap memamerkan payudaranya di depan umum. Bagaimana tidak, ia sudah terlebih dahulu mengatasinya dengan memasang selotip hitam di puting payudaranya. Kreatif juga. Tapi apa gak sakit tuh ya? Benar-benar dunia sudah kiamat. :P
Lagian kenapa sih si Lady Gaga gak pake Bra aja? Akhir-akhir ini Selebritis yang aneh memang mulai banyak bermunculan, ada-ada saja.
Everybody must have heard that several Hollywood Celebrities have experienced incidents that expose the upper body in public. This incident happened to Indonesian Celebrities such as Dewi Persik, Sarah Azhari and Pamela Anderson. Of course they do not want to do that, but purely by accident. But apparently it will not be experienced byLady Gaga. This singer has a special way, but strangely, in dealing with such incidents.
She had put black tape on the nipples of her breasts. Wew ...!!
Foto-Foto Hot Lady Gaga
Foto-Foto Lady Gaga - Sexy
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